Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dota 2 reaches 4 million players 1 week after release

4 million people play Dota 2 (July 2013)

Just 1 week after the official release of Dota 2, the free to play game from Valve Corporation has already reached 4 million active players worldwide (* except South Korea and China).

* Dota 2 will be launched in South Korea and China this fall.

4 million in 1 week and still growing!

The numbers for the unadvertised Steam game continues to grow as millions of veteran DotA players upgrade to Dota 2. Previous data has made the Dota 2 community expect another jump during the biggest gaming event of the year - The International 2013 later this August.

Courtesy of steamgraph.net - Dota 2 numbers continue going up!

July 2013 also marks Dota 2's Facebook fan account reaching 1 million likes.

Don't forget to like Dota 2 on Facebook:

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