Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What is 322?

What is the meaning of 322?

322 is the Dota 2 term for match fixing.

On June 13, 2014, Alexey Berezin "Solo" used his girlfriend's eGamingbets account to bet 100 USD against his own team in a Starladder match (RoX.KIS vs zRage). The betting coefficient for that match was 1.2 on RoX.KIS versus 3.22 on zRage.

Due to the controversy, the bet was cancelled by the betting site and the $322 was not given out.

The 322 term is now widely used by the eSports crowd to refer to teams / players who are throwing the wins away.

Notable 322s in eSports:
- Starcraft BroodWar game fixing in South Korea
- Dota 2 match fixing in Russia
- League of Legends match fixing in South Korea
- Dota 2 throwing games in the Philippines and Malaysia
- CS GO Betting on the opponent in Poland

What is match fixing?
Losing games on purpose in exchange for compensation

This is one of the effects of e Sports gambling. 

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