This is a Dota 2 hero guide for Medusa.
Dota 2 name: Medusa
DotA name: Medusa - Gorgon
HoN Counterpart: None
Affiliation: The Dire
Primary Attribute: Agility

"Gaze upon Medusa's beauty, and despair! "
Listen to Dota 2 Medusa's Voice
Dota 2 Lore - Medusa:
Beauty is power. This thought comforted Medusa--the youngest and loveliest of three beautiful Gorgon sisters, born to a sea goddess--because she alone of the sisters was mortal. It comforted her, that is, until the day masked assailants invaded the Gorgon realm and tore the two immortal sisters from their home, unmoved by their beauty or by their tears. One of the invaders seized Medusa as well, but then cast her aside with a disgusted look: 'This one has the mortal stink upon her. We have no use for that which dies.' Humiliated, enraged, Medusa fled to the temple of her mother and cast herself before the goddess, crying, 'You denied me eternal life--therefore I beg you, give me power! Power, so I can dedicate what life I have to rescuing my sisters and avenging this injustice!' After long thought, the goddess granted her daughter's request, allowing Medusa to trade her legendary beauty for a face and form of terrifying strength. Never for a moment has Medusa regretted her choice. She understands that power is the only beauty worth possessing--for only power can change the world.
With his hand trembling he sparked the bladed machine to life. Terror drove him, terror of what awaited him and of what he would have to face to have any hope of calming his mind. As the saw-suit shuddered to life he knew he must face this fear, and he knew he wouldn't like it one bit.
Dota 2 Medusa Guide
Medusa Skill 1: Split Shot (Q)
Medusa magically splits her shot into five arrows. These arrows deal a lower percent of her normal damage. The extra targets will not receive other attack effects (such as critical strike) and Unique Attack Modifiers.
Medusa Skill 2: Mystic Snake (W)
A mystic snake made of energy jumps from target to target dealing damage and stealing some mana. After it reaches its last target, it jumps back to Medusa to replenish her with mana. The snake deals more damage and steals more mana per jump.
Medusa Skill 3: Mana Shield (E)
Creates a shield that absorbs 50 percent of the incoming damage by using Medusa's mana.
Medusa Skill 4: Stone Gaze (R)
Any enemy units staring at the Gorgon will slowly turn to stone, removing status buffs and slowing all speed properties. Deals damage to summoned units and illusions.
Dota 2 Medusa Strategy Guide
Medusa Skill Build
1 - Mystic Snake
2 - Mana Shield
3 - Mystic Snake
4 - Mana Shield
5 - Mystic Snake
6 - Stone Gaze
7 - Mystic Snake
8 - Mana Shield
9 - Mana Shield
10 - Split Shot
11 - Stone Gaze
12 to 15 - Stats
16 - Stone Gaze
17 to 19 - Split Shot
20 to 25 - Stats
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Medusa Trivia:
Medusa was based on a Greek mythological creature who turned people looking at it into stone.
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