With the high win rates of Centaur Warrunner, IceFrog has decided to tweak some of the numbers for DotA 6.76c.

* Stampede cooldown increased from 65 to 120/90/60
* Stampede duration rescaled from 3/4/5 to 3.75
* Stampede damage slightly reworked from 100/150/200 + 2x str to 0 + 1/2/3x str (no base damage)
* Stampede mancost increased from 50 to 80
* Stampede AoE reduced from 120 to 105
* Drow's base armor decreased by 2
* Marksmanship focus AoE increased from 375 to 400
* Last Word manacost from 100 to 115
* Living Armor cooldown and duration decreased from from 20 to 15
* Living Armor manacost decreased 30/35/40/45 to 25
Bug Fixes
* Fixed an exploit with Enfeeble allowing it to be perma stuck on the enemy in some situations
* Fixed some lag when Centaur initially casts Stampede
* Centaur restricted from Captain's Mode
* Fixed a couple of bugs with -TagTeam mode
* Fixed Force Staff shop hotkey
* Fixed various tooltips
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